Artwork Preparation Guidelines

What is a Bleed? In graphic design, a bleed is a term in printing that is used to describe a document on which the images touch the edge of the page. When a document has a bleed, it must be printed on a larger sheet of paper and design extended outwards of atleast 1/8th of[…]

All About Business Cards.

A Business card is the first impression of your business. It is a powerful networking tool, that despite the digital age is still as popular as ever. Business cards provide tangible information for others. It gives them something physical to refer to later should they decide to use your product or service. It’s Personal. A[…]

Defend Your Business Against Cheque Fraud

Many businesses don’t expect they will be a victim of cheque fraud. But, according to the Bank of Canada, cheque fraud is one of the fastest growing financial crimes today. It’s projected to increase by 25% annually, and The Nilson Report estimates the cost to North American businesses will be $20 billion CAD per year.[…]

The Importance of Proofing for Print

As printing experts, we simply cannot stress the importance of the proofing process enough. Overlooking this key process when it comes to printing can be disastrous. Failing to proof can result in a very costly error, not to mention cause some severe branding damage to your company. Take for instance in 2013, retail giant Macy’s[…]

The Essential Guide to Print Product Sizes

What Do You Need to Print? Print products come in a variety of different sizes. It is important to setup your design in your page layout program from the start using the actual dimensions of the print product. This will avoid any headaches later on during the printing process. Many products come in standard dimensions[…]

How to Create the Perfect Poster

Poster printing & advertising dates back to the early 1800s. It is one of the oldest forms of advertising. Posters were widely used to promote products and spread political messages. They are still a popular form of advertising today which just shows how well they work. Posters are everywhere. The great thing about poster advertising[…]